Entries from 2021-11-22 to 1 day

What are the majors in business administration? Introduce 7 majors & courses in business administration

The business administration major mainly studies the basic theories of management and economics and studies how to use modern management methods and means to make effective business management and business decision-making. MBA in Hong Kong…


隨著人們接受關於潛在健康風險的教育,越來越多人特別關注健康問題,飲食和全面的生活方式改變變得越來越普遍。除了家居生活需要改變,平時的工作場所也要改進。很多人瞭解到久坐可能對健康有害,這樣就誕生了sit stand desk。站立式辦公桌可以滿足工作需求…

How to choose an ergonomic chair? Precautions for purchasing engineering chairs

The child begins to develop after entering junior high school. Previously, the desk and chair needed to be replaced in time. Otherwise, it would cause him to hunch back for a long time while doing homework, which would eventually affect th…


勞累了一天,回家洗個熱水澡本來是件十分愜意、享受的事情,站在花灑下,仿佛一身的疲憊都被水沖走。但對於老年人,尤其是行動不便的老人而言,老年人洗澡卻可能是十分痛苦和不安全的,因此老人的洗澡椅對他們來說還是非常有必要的。 隨著年齡的增長,長者的…